Early November saw Ally in Trail, conducting a functional exercise to simulate a flow surge flood scenario at Waneta Dam. Nearly 40 participants took part in the exercise, representing FortisBC, Teck Resources Ltd. and the Columbia Basin Trust.
Beyond satisfying the requirements set forth by BC Dam Safety regulations, the exercise offered participants the opportunity to familiarize themselves with Waneta Dam’s Emergency Response Plan, and to test it to the fullest. In addition, it also granted Teck and FortisBC an opportunity to explore their unique, shared ownership and management of the dam, and to test the communication links between the two companies.
The exercise scenario revolved around a simulated flow surge hitting the Waneta facility, causing structural damage to the dam itself, and flooding of the dam’s powerhouse below. Participants also had to address concerns regarding a missing worker, and the closure of a nearby border crossing due to the flooding. Off-site, FortisBC’s Public Affairs Emergency Team was activated, fielding simulated calls and social media posts from news outlets and the public.
Ultimately, the exercise provided stakeholders with useful insight to prepare for actual emergencies. Some of the major takeaways included reinforcing lines of communication between responding parties, as well as further exploration of the unique partnership between FortisBC and Teck. We appreciate the efforts of all participants and look forward to assisting with future exercises that strengthen the partnerships and emergency preparedness of those involved.