Marine Terminals

Marine terminals represent intricate environments where the seamless movement of goods occurs among ships, trains, and trucks. These terminals must maintain readiness to handle various potential incidents, including material spills, accidents involving heavy equipment, and security breaches.

Case Study


During the winter of 2022, Ally partnered with Westshore Terminals Emergency Program to meticulously plan and execute a Full-Scale Exercise centered around a simulated fire emergency. Participants were tasked with managing and extinguishing the fire, evaluating the extent of damages, and executing a simulated casualty evacuation. The primary objectives of the exercise were to rehearse the establishment and transfer of command protocols during emergency incidents and to acquaint participants with Westshore’s specific fire response procedures.


Participating agencies included:

  • Westshore Terminals
  • Paladin Security
  • Global Container Terminals
  • BC Rail
  • Blue Water Rail Services
  • Delta Fire & Emergency Services
  • Vancouver Fraser Port Authority.